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Bhakti Rajat is as set of 20 songs that are devotional, sweet-sounding in the voice of Pramodini Rao.
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Divya Mala is a set of 25 melodious tracks by Swami Siddhananda that is sure to sooth the heart and mind of listenes and help the listener to be on the track of devotion and peace.
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Swami Swaroopananda, one of the foremost teachers of Chinmaya Mission Today and the Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, delves into this most powerful and ancient mantra, considered as a universal prayer in India, and one of the seminal utterances of the Vedas, to unearth its infinite depth of meaning alongside its mystical efficacy as a panacea.
Gayatri Mantra – Universal Prayer
Swami Swaroopananda, one of the foremost teachers of Chinmaya Mission Today and the Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, delves into this most powerful and ancient mantra, considered as a universal prayer in India, and one of the seminal utterances of the Vedas, to unearth its infinite depth of meaning alongside its mystical efficacy as a panacea.
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The hymns and mantras that are peppered in our scriptures are not just prayers of beseeching pleas and bleating requests, ornamented with spiritual vibes, they are a means for us to reach God.
This collection of meditative hymns and mantras from the Upanishads, Vivekchudamani and other granthas chanted by Swami Brahmananda soothes the mind into a meditative state to receive, reflect and to experience the divinity within us.
1. Gurustuti
2. Shanti Mantra
3. Upanishad Mantras – 1
4. Vivekchudamani
5. Upanishad Mantras – 2
6. Geeta Shlokas
7. Atma Shatkam
8. Gurupaduka Pratah Stavanam
9. Upadesha Sara
10. Sat Darshanam
11. Sadhana Panchakam
12. Atmabodha
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Rehraas Sahib
Insights into the Sikh holy scripture Rehraas Sahib by Swami Swaroopananda
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Mantras are prayers that transform. When mantras are chanted with the right intonations and with proper understanding of its meaning, the negative tendencies of the mind are erased.The Gayatri mantra and the Mrityunjaya mantra, some of our oldest hymns, are potent, powerful & spiritually uplifting. Swami Brahmananda is at his best, bringing out the divinity in these chants.
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Goswamy Tulsidas’s nectar-filled Ramcharitramanas covers Dharma, Knowledge and Devotion insights which has awakened the hearts and minds of many. It is only through the grace and blessings of a Guru that the core meaning of the Ramayana is unveiled and its relevance to our spiritual life revealed. Seekers of both the devotional and the intellectual disposition will find a myriad of jewels in the tapestry of this profoundly moving and philosophical story.
This album contains the entire chanting of Tulasi Ramayan by Pujya Swami Tejomayananda.
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Stotra Mala is means a garland of devotional hymns and vedic chants. Sung in the rich and full-toned voice of Swami Brahmananda, these stotras transport the listener to true depts of divinity. Each track is pleasing as well as powerful, soft as well as soulful. The result is that the simple experience of listening becomes a joyful spiritual practice in itself.
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A divine rendition of Shri Hanuman Chalisa in 7 Ragas by Swami Tejomayananda.
Mishr, Hamsadhwani, Kedar, Yaman, Gavti, Durga, Shankara.
Violin Maestro – KALA RAMNATH
Accompanied on Tabla by Shri Satish Kumar
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Vedic Chants 2
Chants from the Maharanayanopanishad. Esoteric hymns : ambasya pare, Gaytatri mantras, suktams, vyahrti homa mantras, jnana praptyartha mantras, avismaranaya japa mantras