Fill the given fields for singing up
A lucid dialogue between Rajarshi Janaka and Ashtavakra systematically...
Shri Vishnusahasranama is about the thousand names of that Supreme Lor...
Kathopanishad is a unique Upanishad which starts with a Katha of a you...
The poetic diction, systematic development of thought, at once clear, ...
The original Yoga Vasistha condensed to 1,000 verses has been further ...
The glorious leela of Lord Rama is one that we can keep hearing and wa...
Aitareya Upanishad is home to one of the well-known Mahavakayas of the...
Sidha Gita by Swami Tejomayananda....
With a hundred verses divided into four sections, the Hymn to the Lord...
Vedanta is truly the science of life. Sankara, the great interpreter o...
Shrimad Bhagavata is renowned as one of the greatest compositions in S...
The Song of Eternity — A dialogue between Lord Krishna, the divi...
Shri Dakshinamurti Stotram, written by Shri Adi Shankaracharya, expoun...
The son fulfils his name ‘Putra’ when he gives joy and sav...
Nowhere in the world do we get such a complete study of the human pers...
Shvetashvatara Upanishad, an important text on Vedanta starts with a d...
Pujya Guruji’s interpretations of Narada Bhakti Sutra dance with the n...
Can the mortal ever become immortal? Can the mind make us immortal? Ca...
Upanishadic wisdom has a timeless appeal since it deals with the basic...
Swami Tapovanam was a Mahatma, a true Vedantin of deep devotion who at...
The Vedic literature is full of universal mantras or hymns seeking pea...
Just as a dry fruit is loaded with sweetness, Pujya Guruji Tejomayanan...
The Sundarakanda forms the heart of Valmiki Ramayana and consists of a...
Living Vedanta Vedanta is the valid means that reveals the Truth. It m...
Generally Vedanta is considered serious, difficult, very high and very...
Ramahare Stotram, a hymn in praise of Shri Rama who is himself Shri Ha...
Sravanam Kirtanam Visnoh Smaranam Pada-Sevanam Archanam Vandanam Dasya...
The Sankat Mochan also known as Shri Hanuman Ashtakam, which follows t...
With the dust of the Guru’s Lotus feet, I first clean the mirror...
A narrow vision is divisive, a noble vision is unifying but a divine v...
Shri Ramacharita Manas is written by Sri Goswami Tulsidasji in Avadhi ...
The Mandukya Upanishad is the shortest among the principle Upanishads ...
By developing the quality of discrimination, a power solely accorded t...
How to be peaceful? How to be happy? What is Love? Do we gain peace af...
Swami Swaroopananda, one of the foremost teachers of Chinmaya Mission ...
Hinduism has faced numerous situations, threatening its existence. Eac...
We must – An Inspiration for Self Mastery is a effective and a v...
Krishna still holds an aura of mystery around Him, as He did thousands...
Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda made it a priority to revive the you...
There are engines – engines that roar and scintillate, engines t...
The glorious leela of Lord Rama is one that we can keep hearing and wa...
Shishu Vihar Bhajans for babies are play and sing along bhajans for ba...
Shishu Vihar Bhajans for babies at bedtime, play and sing along, babie...
What is the need for Prayers? a man once asked Gurudev Swami Chinmayan...
Shrimad Bhagavata is renowned as one of the greatest compositions in S...
Mundakopanishad’s style is poetic and penetrating giving the see...
Upanishads are the philosophical portion of the Vedas. Its poetic dict...
The Upanishads enshrine the very acme of wisdom. It is that Knowledge ...
Advaita Makaranda – A commentary on the non-dual Brahman establi...
Kathopanishad is a unique Upanishad which starts with a Katha of a you...
The poetic diction, systematic development of thought, at once clear, ...
Aitareya Upanishad is home to one of the well-known Mahavakayas of the...
Nowhere in the world do we get such a complete study of the human pers...
Shvetashvatara Upanishad, an important text on Vedanta starts with a d...
Can the mortal ever become immortal? Can the mind make us immortal? Ca...
Upanishadic wisdom has a timeless appeal since it deals with the basic...
The Mandukya Upanishad is the shortest among the principle Upanishads ...
Discourse by Pujya Swami Tejomayananda No. of Talks: 8 8 Hours...
Purusasuktam Talk Details – Purusasuktam by Pujya Guruji Swami T...
Guru Stotram Talk Details – Guru Stotram by Pujya Guruji Swami T...
Shri Vishnusahasranama is about the thousand names of that Supreme Lor...
The glorious leela of Lord Rama is one that we can keep hearing and wa...
Shrimad Bhagavata is renowned as one of the greatest compositions in S...
Pujya Guruji’s interpretations of Narada Bhakti Sutra dance with the n...
The Sundarakanda forms the heart of Valmiki Ramayana and consists of a...
Ramahare Stotram, a hymn in praise of Shri Rama who is himself Shri Ha...
Sravanam Kirtanam Visnoh Smaranam Pada-Sevanam Archanam Vandanam Dasya...
God is the most talked entity in the world. Who is God? Is He the imag...
The Sankat Mochan also known as Shri Hanuman Ashtakam, which follows t...
With the dust of the Guru’s Lotus feet, I first clean the mirror...
A narrow vision is divisive, a noble vision is unifying but a divine v...
Shri Ramacharita Manas is written by Sri Goswami Tulsidasji in Avadhi ...
The authoritative basic texts on Vedanta are the Upanishads, Bhagavad-...
The Holy Geeta – One’s COMPLETE MANUAL FOR LIFE Discourses...
A lucid dialogue between Rajarshi Janaka and Ashtavakra systematically...
Aparokshanubhuti – 24 Talks Talk Details – Aparokshanubhut...
Nirdvandva Sukham Talk Details – Nirdvandva Sukham by Pujya Swa...
The original Harimeede Stotram in Sanskrit is the composition of Bhaga...
Dakshinamurthy Stotram Talk Details – Dakshinamurthy Stotram by ...
Shri Rama Geeta Talk Details – Shri Speaker: Pujya Guruji...
The original Yoga Vasistha condensed to 1,000 verses has been further ...
With a hundred verses divided into four sections, the Hymn to the Lord...
Vedanta is truly the science of life. Sankara, the great interpreter o...
Couched in the lap of Mother Ganga, nestled in the embrace of Tapovan ...
Shri Dakshinamurti Stotram, written by Shri Adi Shankaracharya, expoun...
Swami Tapovanam was a Mahatma, a true Vedantin of deep devotion who at...
Just as a dry fruit is loaded with sweetness, Pujya Guruji Tejomayanan...
Living Vedanta Vedanta is the valid means that reveals the Truth. It m...
Generally Vedanta is considered serious, difficult, very high and very...
By developing the quality of discrimination, a power solely accorded t...