The Sundarakanda forms the heart of Valmiki Ramayana and consists of a detailed, vivid account of Hanuman’s adventures. According to traditional folklore, the Ramayana has 24,000 shlokas corresponding to the 24 syllables of Gayatri mantra. The first shloka of the Sundarakanda has the 12th syllable of the 24 syllables of the Gayatri mantra, placing Sundarakanda in a way at the virtual center or the heart of Ramayana. Sundarakanda is probably the most widely read part of Ramayana. Pujya Guruji’s devotional rendering and heart melting narration is bliss to the ears.
Talk Details:
Speaker: Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanada
Location: Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh
Month/year: October 2017
Duration: 10 Hrs
Format: HD
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